Category: Hanga | Create

Writing on Explain Everything

Today we did our writing on our ipads. First we added pictures about our story. Then we recorded ourselves talking about our story. The last thing we did was write our story. We had a great time writing our stories today.

Here are Maxwell’s, Anshu and Esther’s writing.

Creating in Explain Everything

Today for Cybersmart with Mrs Tofa, we had a lot of fun creating in Explain Everything. Mrs Tofa wrote the animals on the board and we had to insert the picture of the animal from clipart.

We also took a photo of ourselves using the camera for our projects.

Here is Esther’s project. She also recorded herself talking about her work.

Here is Maxwell’s project

Here is Caitlyn’s project

Creating robots

Today we created robots in Explain Everything using shapes. We had a lot of fun trying out different shapes for our robot bodies. Some of us had square tummies and arrows for hands. We also took a photo of our ourselves and traced around our face using the lasso tool. It was awesome to see the different robots our class created today.

Here are some of the robots from our class

Drawing with Explain Everything

Today with Mrs Tofa, we practised drawing using the pen tool and colouring our drawings with the fill bucket tool.  We also learnt how to use the eraser. We had so much fun creating our drawings. Some of us drew gardens, cars, the universe and people sitting in houses.

Here are is Cruden’s shark drawing and Maxwell’s drawing of his home